To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: N/A
Prepared By:
Michelle Halstead, Director, Commissioners’ Office
A resolution authorizing the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign an intergovernmental agreement between the cities of Sheridan, Englewood, Littleton, and Arapahoe County for the development of a Tri-Cities Homelessness Plan of Action.
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
Authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign an intergovernmental agreement that memorializes Arapahoe County’s cost share for the Tri-Cities Homelessness Study and Action Plan.
Background and Discussion: In 2019, the Tri-Cities and Arapahoe County engaged the University of Denver Graduate School of Social work to perform an initial assessment which interviewed and analyzed data from both single persons and families experiencing homelessness. At the conclusion of the initial assessment and presentation, there was a desire by the group to develop a written action plan to help identify stakeholder roles and responsibilities, identify current and/or potential future funding opportunities, and include strategic steps based on regional and national best practices, and local culture, to create a solid foundation for a coordinated response system.
As a follow-up to this collaboration, the group engaged Florence Aliese Advancement Network, LLC for the development of the incremental operational action plan organized into priority areas, such as healthcare and affordable housing, with recommendations for action-steps based on national and regional best-practices. The plan - expected to be complete in Q2 2021 - also will focus on establishing a baseline framework to support immediate and future individual jurisdictional and intra-regional homelessness strategies and seek identification of action steps and facilitate a prioritization process to sequence immediate, mid-term and long-term activities, programs and policy advocacy.
The City of Englewood is managing the consultant contract; an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) was recommended to memorialize the cost sharing agreement listed below. The IGA was presented to the Board during a March 23, 2021 drop-in session prior to placing the item on today’s consent agenda for action.
Alternatives: N/A.
Fiscal Impact: The total cost of the contract is not to exceed $11,400.00 and costs will be shared as follows: the Cities of Englewood and Littleton, and Arapahoe County shall each pay $3,300.00, and the City of Sheridan shall pay $1,500.00. The Department of Human Services has identified funding to pay for the County’s share.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☐Be fiscally sustainable
☐Provide essential and mandated service
☒Be community focused
Concurrence: Department of Human Services, Department of Community Resources.
Resolution: Attach a copy of the draft resolution.