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File #: 25-159    Version: 1
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/28/2025 In control: Board of County Commissioners Study Session
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: 2:00 PM *Arapahoe County Public Health New Room Names - 6964 S. Lima St.
Attachments: 1. Board Summary Report, 2. Conference Room Names

To:                                                               Board of County Commissioners


Through:                                          Jennifer Ludwig, Director, Public Health


Prepared By:


Jennifer Ludwig, Director, Public Health; Penny Grande, Deputy Director, Public Health




Presenter:                                          Jennifer Ludwig, Director, Public Health; Penny Grande, Deputy Director, Public Health; Mike Gouin, Director, Facilities and Fleet Management





2:00 PM *Arapahoe County Public Health New Room Names - 6964 S. Lima St.



Purpose and Request:

recommended action

Arapahoe County Public Health’s (ACPH) lease for its administrative office (6162 S. Willow Drive, Greenwood Village) expires in August 2025. As part of a larger space consolidation plan, ACPH will be moving to the Lima campus, into the building vacated by Arapahoe/Douglas Works! New names for the conference rooms have been created, and we are requesting BOCC review and approval of suggested room names for this project.



Background and Discussion: The reconstructed building at 6964 S. Lima Street will house approximately 71 public health employees and six (6) employees from Facilities and Fleet Management (FFM), as well as the two (2) Arapahoe County Retirement administrators. There are four (4) conference rooms that need to be named. Public Health voted between birds of Colorado or flowers of Colorado and flowers won. Three were selected by Public Health and the last selected by FFM. The proposed room names are: Columbine, Lupine, Bluebell, and Sugarbowl.


Fiscal Impact: Cost of room signage is already built into the current space consolidation project.


Alternatives: Relatively quick action is needed to maintain the current project completion timeline for the space consolidation project and for continuity of business services in the new space. If these names are not approved, we will work to provide alternatives.


Alignment with Strategic Plan:

                     Be fiscally sustainable

                     Provide essential and mandated service

                     Be community focused


Staff Recommendation: It is recommended to approve the proposed room names for ACPH and FFM at 6964 S. Lima Street.


Concurrence: Lisa VanderHeyden, Senior Project Manager, FFM.