To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Katherine Smith, Director, Arapahoe County Community Resources Department; Sasha Easton, Division Manager, Arapahoe/Douglas Works!
Prepared By:
Emily Tapia, Workforce Administrator, Arapahoe/Douglas Works!
Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Central Planning Region and Local Area Plans
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
To request approval from the Board of County Commissioners to submit a new local plan for Arapahoe Douglas Works!.
This was presented to the Board of County Commissioners on August 5, 2024. Staff were directed to schedule the request for Consent Agenda.
Background and Discussion: The Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Development Board is required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) and the Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) to submit a new local plan every 4 years, Approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is required prior to submittal. Additionally, The Colorado Central Planning Region (CCPR), which includes the Arapahoe/Douglas Local Workforce Area, is required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) and the Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) to submit a new regional plan every 4 years, with subsequent approval and execution by the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC).
CENTRAL PLANNING REGION PLAN: The Central Planning Region was developed in alignment with state and local area plans and in accordance with WIOA regulations. This regional collaboration ensures the continuation of aligned efforts of local area workforce boards through a continued commitment to leveraging resources and expertise. The Colorado Central Planning Region (Central Planning Region) is a consortium including Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, El Paso-Teller, Gilpin, Jefferson and Larimer counties. The Colorado Urban Workforce Alliance (CUWA) oversees the Central Planning Regional Plan and the funds distributed to the Central Planning Region and participating local areas for any federal, state, and/or private funding allocated for the purpose of supporting workforce development programming within the Central Planning Region. Per WIOA and the Colorado Policy Guidance Letter WIOA-2024-01, the Central Planning Region is required to submit a new regional plan every four years, and the regional plan must support the strategy outlined in the State Plan in accordance with WIOA Law SEC. 102(b)(1)(E). For further details, reference the attached WIOA Central Planning Region PY 2024 - 2027 Plan.
LOCAL PLAN: Arapahoe County Government serves as the grant recipient and fiscal agent for funds distributed to the Arapahoe/Douglas Local Area for any federal, state, and/or private funding allocated for the purpose of supporting workforce development programming within the Arapahoe/Douglas region. As the fiscal agent, Arapahoe County Government is authorized to sign agreements with the State of Colorado, or any other entity or persons, for the operation and administration of workforce development programming, including WIOA and its applicable Titles. Per WIOA, PL 113-128 - July 22, 2014, and Colorado Policy Guidance Letter (PGL) WIOA-2024-01, the Arapahoe/Douglas Workforce Development Board is required to submit a new Local Plan. The local plan must support the strategy outlined in the State Plan in accordance with WIOA Law SEC. 102(b)(1)(E). This new Plan provides narrative pertaining to many key areas, including, but not limited to: strategic priorities, labor market information and data, programming initiatives and processes, partner collaborations, sector partnerships, and administrative oversight. For further details, please reference the attached WIOA PY 2024 - 2027 Local Area Plan.
Alternatives: If the new Plans are not authorized, the Central Planning Region and Arapahoe/Douglas Works! will not be in compliance with the state and federal requirements and may not be able to continue to provide service delivery within its designated local area of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties.
Fiscal Impact: If the new Plans are not approved, a loss of state and/or federal funds is anticipated.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☒Be fiscally sustainable
☒Provide essential and mandated service
☒Be community focused
Concurrence: Katherine Smith, Director, Community Resources; Nicole Russ, Administrative Services Division Manager, Tiffanie Bleau, Assistant County Attorney, Finance
Resolution: Attached is a copy of the draft resolution.