To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Tyler Brown, Sheriff
Prepared By:
Brian Knudsen, Data Services Manager, Support Services Bureau
Body-Worn Cameras for South Metro Fire and Rescue Arson Investigators
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The ACSO requests the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chair to sign the agreement with South Metro Fire and Rescue (SMFR) to provide seven (7) body-worn cameras for the use of its arson investigators.
Background and Discussion
Currently, under state bills SB20-217 and HB21-1250, every POST-certified peace officer must wear a body-worn camera (BWC) while on duty in their official capacities. South Metro Arson Investigators fall into this definition. They are required to record specific situations, including but not limited to all calls for service and any contact with a citizen involving an investigatory purpose. If an officer fails to activate their BWC as required, there is a permissive inference in any investigation or legal proceeding that the missing footage would have shown misconduct by the officer. Any statements or conduct from the officer related to the incident that were not recorded due to the officer’s failure to activate the BWC are presumed inadmissible in prosecution.
The County is currently a party to a Master Customer Agreement with Motorola Solutions wherein the County may purchase certain equipment, including but not limited to V300 Body-Worn Cameras and license applicable software from Motorola. In lieu of setting up their own agreement with Motorola or another vendor to provide BWCs, SMFR has requested to be part of the ACSO agreement, as their need is lower and the administrative burden to ACSO to support this is low. The County is authorized to provide the BWCs under this Master Agreement to South Metro.
Alternatives: The County could decline to approve SMFR’s request.
Fiscal Impact: There is no a negative fiscal impact to the County. South Metro shall pay the County $20,308.40 for the cost of the BWC Kits (“BWC Kit Costs”) within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of an invoice from the County. In addition, South Metro shall pay to the County a quarterly payment of Three Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-Six Dollars ($3,276.00) for the cost of maintaining and processing any BWC video footage downloaded by South Metro into ACSO’s digital evidence system (“Quarterly Maintenance Fee”). The County will invoice South Metro for the Quarterly Maintenance Fee, and South Metro shall pay the amount set forth therein within thirty (30) days after receipt of such invoice. The first quarterly invoice will be prorated from the Effective Date.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☒Be fiscally sustainable
☒Provide essential and mandated service
☒Be community focused
Concurrence: South Metro Fire and Rescue concurs with this request.
Resolution: Attached is a copy of the draft resolution.