To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: N/A
Prepared By:
Darcy Tibbles, VP of Community Affairs, Developmental Pathways
Presenter: Matt VanAuken, Executive Director and CEO, Developmental Pathways
2:00 PM *Developmental Pathways Annual Mill Levy Review
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
Developmental Pathways will provide an informational session on the use of mill levy funds in Fiscal Year 2024 to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities/delays (I/DD) in Arapahoe County in accordance with Referendum 4A passed in 2001. Developmental Pathways will allow time for discussion and input from the Board on future use of funding.
Background and Discussion: Developmental Pathways is a Community-Centered Board (CCB) which contracts with the state to provide supports and services to people with I/DD residing in Arapahoe and Douglas counties and the entire City of Aurora. Voters of Arapahoe County passed a referendum in 2001 allowing a one mill property tax to be levied to support people with I/DD, specifically emphasizing a few key areas of focus:
1. Prioritizing assistance for those waiting for services and/or with unmet needs;
2. Raising service quality for people with I/DD;
3. Stabilizing service infrastructure, specifically by investing in staff training & retention;
4. Supporting the providers of last resort.
Each year, the executive leadership of Developmental Pathways presents an annual report of mill levy spending detailing how funds are were used to meet the criteria identified in the original referendum and the annual service agreement between Arapahoe County and Developmental Pathways.
Fiscal Impact: In Fiscal Year 2024, Arapahoe County contributed $16,073,915 in mill levy revenue, which included $502,839 in SB238 backfill funds, to Developmental Pathways to support people with I/DD. Detailed financial information, including an audited financial and AUP, can be found with the report.
Alternatives: This is an informational report.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☒Be fiscally sustainable
☒Provide essential and mandated service
☒Be community focused
Staff Recommendation: This is an informational report.
Concurrence: N/A.