To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Katherine Smith, Director, Community Resources
Prepared By:
Lizze Loomis, Division Manager, Community Development Housing and Homeless Services. Community Resources
Presenter: Katherine Smith, Director, Community Resources
10:45 AM *Tri-Cities Homeless Services Coordinator IGA Renewal
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this request is to obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners to renew the Tri-Cities Homeless Services Coordinator IGA.
Background and Discussion: On January 18, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners approved the Tri-Cities Homeless Services Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Tri-Cities-Englewood, Sheridan, and Littleton-and Arapahoe County to hire a full-time Homeless Services Coordinator. This Coordinator will continue to implement the Tri-Cities Action Plan. The current Tri-Cities Homeless Services Coordinator IGA is set to expire on December 31, 2024.
Staff from Community Resources and representatives from the Tri-Cities have met to discuss the renewal of the Tri-Cities Homeless Services Coordinator IGA, aiming to extend the position for an additional two years (2025-2027). The position will be fully funded by the Tri-Cities (Englewood, Sheridan, and Littleton), while the County will provide supervision, replacement equipment (if applicable), and in-kind support. These costs will include technology, office space, and supervisory time.
Additionally, Tri-Cities and County staff have drafted an Intergovernmental Agreement that outlines the ongoing work associated with the Tri-Cities Action Plan. This agreement clarifies the roles and responsibilities of both the Cities and the County in this partnership.
Fiscal Impact: Arapahoe County would provide in-kind costs for the supervision and administration of the Tri-Cities Homeless Services Coordinator position. This would include replacement equipment costs (if appliable), cost of supervisory time, and office space.
Alternatives: The Board of County Commissioners may choose to not support entering into this IGA, the Tri-Cities will explore other options to best meet the needs of administering the Tri-Cities Action Plan.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☒Be fiscally sustainable
☒Provide essential and mandated service
☒Be community focused
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommend the approval of this IGA between the Tri-Cities and Arapahoe County as this will assist us in developing and aligning our efforts and strategies in the region, as it relates to homelessness.
Concurrence: Tri-Cities Policy Group is in concurrence with the approval of this IGA.