To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Bryan Weimer, Director, Public Works & Development
Prepared By:
Jason Reynolds, Planning Division Manager, PWD
Presenter: Loretta Daniel, Long Range Planning Program Manager, PWD
9:45 AM *DRCOG Livable Centers & Innovative Mobility Set-Aside Programs
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
DRCOG's 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement set-aside program offers two grant opportunities for local governments. These set-aside programs require no local funding match and are managed by DRCOG, which reduces the amount of local staff commitment required to implement. Staff plans to submit letters of interest for the Innovative Mobility and Livable Centers programs, which do not require Arapahoe County financial contributions. Unless directed otherwise by the Board, staff will submit those letters before DRCOG's Livable Centers deadline of October 7, 2024.
Background and Discussion: Both the Livable Centers Small Area Planning and Innovative Mobility set-aside programs are funded 2024-2027 through the Transportation Improvement Program. To be eligible for the current funding cycle, communities must submit letters of interest to DRCOG by October 7 (Livable Centers) and October 15 (Innovative Mobility).
The Livable Centers Small-area Planning program is DRCOG-led technical assistance funded through the fiscal years 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program. Small-area planning projects will identify ways to enhance and increase livability in connected multimodal centers.
The Innovative Mobility program focuses on preparedness, feasibility, and planning for innovative mobility such as curbside management, emerging modes, shared mobility, mobility as a service, transportation electrification, and mobility hubs.
At the same time that these set-asides are being offered, Arapahoe County has been participating in the Parker Road Corridor Improvements Stud...
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