To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Bryan Weimer, Director, Public Works & Development
Prepared By:
Jason Reynolds, Planning Division Manager, Public Works & Development
Presenter: Jason Reynolds, Planning Division Manager, Public Works & Development
11:00 AM *HB24-1304 Parking Requirements near Transit
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
In 2024, the Colorado Legislature approved several land use and housing bills, including HB24-1304 regarding minimum parking requirements. This study session will provide an overview of Arapahoe County's obligations and options under the bill and seek Board direction on additional potential parking modifications.
Background and Discussion: HB24-1304 prohibits communities from enforcing or enacting minimum off-street parking requirements on multi-family housing and some mixed-use developments in certain locations around rail transit stations and bus transit corridors. Developers are allowed to voluntarily include off-street parking. The attached maps depict areas of unincorporated Arapahoe County where those prohibitions apply. The law becomes effective June 30, 2025; after that date, any multi-family development in those areas will not be subject to minimum parking requirements. This includes redevelopment of existing multi-family projects; for example, an existing multi-family property could remove parking to install additional amenities or residences.
For reference, our current multi-family parking regulations require 1.5 spaces per 1-bedroom unit, 2 spaces for 2- or 3- bedroom units, and 2.5 spaces for 4-bedroom units, plus 0.25 spaces for guest parking per unit. A 12-unit apartment building with all 2-bedroom units would require 27 off-street parking spaces, which would occupy more than 7,000 square feet of land.
Sometimes funding for affordable housing projects requires minimum parking standards and the law allows communities to requ...
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