To: Board of Health
Through: Jennifer Ludwig, Public Health Director, Arapahoe County Public Health
Prepared By:
Heather Baumgartner, Division Director, Partnerships, Planning and Community Health Promotion end
Presenter: Heather Baumgartner, Partnerships, Planning and Community Health Promotion Division Director, Grace Soulen, Health Equity and Community Engagement Coordinator, and Brooke Wagenseller, Health Planner end
2025-2030 Community Health Improvement Plan Presentation for Adoption
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this agenda item is to present the 2025-2030 Arapahoe County Community Health Improvement Plan for adoption.
Background and Discussion: Colorado statute requires that every five years public health agencies conduct an assessment and planning process that results in the creation of a comprehensive community health assessment and a new community health improvement plan (CHIP). Through completion of the recent 2024 Arapahoe County Community Health Assessment and a collaborative decision-making process with cross-sector partners, two overarching priorities and six corresponding goal areas were identified as most critical to address. This presentation will provide an overview of the CHIP components and next steps in the implementation process. Board members will be asked to approve the Plan for adoption.
Fiscal Impact: Staff and Board of Health members can anticipate the need to identify and dedicate resources to support implementation, coordination, and monitoring of CHIP strategies.
Alternatives: N/A
Staff Recommendation: N/A
Motion(s): N/A