To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Bryan Weimer, Director, Public Works & Development
Prepared By:
Kat Hammer, Senior Planner, Public Works & Development
Presenter: Kat Hammer, Senior Planner, Public Works & Development
Request Approval of Eastgate Special District Service Plan (Case No. SD24-002)
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this request is to seek approval for the Eastgate Special District Service Plan. Jeffrey Erb, Erb Law, LLC, proposes establishing six metropolitan districts to serve the development known as Eastgate. The metropolitan districts would serve approximately 405,000 square-feet of commercial, retail, and light industrial property and approximately 1,000 single-family attached and multi-family residential units.
Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 17, 2024, and unanimously recommended approval to the Board, finding that the proposed service plan complies with the statutory process for metropolitan district service plans. No members of the public spoke regarding the proposal. Attached please find a copy of the Planning Commission minutes and staff report for details as to how the application meets the review criteria for approval.
On February 11, 2025, the BOCC voted to continue this item to a date certain, March 11, 2025, in order for the applicant to send hearing notice to additional taxing entities.
Planning staff recommends approval of this request, which complies with the statutory process for metropolitan district service plans.
Background and Discussion: The proposed metropolitan districts would help finance the development of the Eastgate development, located at the southwest corner of Interstate 70 and Monaghan Road, at 27500 and 27450 E Colfax Avenue. County staff is concurrently reviewing the associated General Development Plan (GDP23-003) and 1041 (Regulations Governing Areas and Activities of State Inte...
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