To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Michelle Halstead, Director, Commissioners' Office
Prepared By:
Cody O'Brien, Management Analyst I, Commissioners' Office
Presenter: Ed Bowditch and Jennifer Cassell, Bowditch and Cassell Public Affairs
1:00 PM *Legislative Update
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on the status of Colorado's state legislative session, including potential impacts to Arapahoe County, and seek Board direction on legislative positions or specific advocacy activities.
Background and Discussion: As a constitutional subdivision of Colorado state government, Arapahoe County can only exercise those powers specifically expressed in statute or in the constitution. Arapahoe County contracts with Bowditch and Cassell Public Affairs for state advocacy activities. The Director of the Commissioners' Office coordinates federal and state intergovernmental relations, in partnership with the Director of Human Services, the County Attorney, the Director of Community Resources, the Director of Public Works and Development, and the Director of Public Health (staff legislative team).
Staff reviews proposed legislation through the lens of operational and fiscal impacts to the county, in the context of the County's legislative guide (attached for reference).
This week, the lobbyist team will provide updates on bills that could impact Arapahoe County as well as other topics deemed appropriate.
Bills For Discussion
* HB25-1146 Juvenile Detention Bed Cap
* HB25-1029 Municipal Authority over Certain Land
Additionally, the lobbyist and staff legislative team will provide updates on the following bills and topics:
* Status update on all bills with County positions to date
* HB25-1169 Housing Developments on Faith and Educational Land
Permissive/Neutral/No Impact Bills for Awareness
* HB25-1147 Fairness & Transparency in Municipal C...
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