To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Bryan D. Weimer, Director Public Works and Development
Prepared By:
John Wannigman, PE, Capital Improvement Engineer, Public Works and Development
C14-027 Yale Avenue Corridor Improvements Project, Approval and Acceptance of (1) Right of Way Parcel from Montessori School
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this report is to request that the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approve one (1) resolution, attached, to accept one (1) Right of Way parcel from Montessori School of Washington Park, 2690 South Holly Street, for the Yale Corridor Improvements Project (Project) and to authorize the Clerk and Recorder to record the documents. This property acquisitions are agreed to in the attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the parcel.
Staff has reviewed the easement and has determined that it meets Arapahoe County requirements. Staff recommends said right of way, granted by the property owners, be accepted by the BOCC.
Background and Discussion: The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure at the City and County of Denver (Denver) and Arapahoe County (County) have taken steps to implement a joint project to deliver roadway improvements on and along Yale Avenue and an underpass and related improvements for the High Line Canal Trail Underpass at Yale Avenue. Since 2019, Arapahoe County has been working with Denver on this project.
PWD contracted with HDR, Inc. to complete ROW acquisition services for the project which includes title commitments, valuations and negotiations. The Project requires a total of 12 parcels to be acquired as shown on the attached ROW Acquisition Map for Yale Corridor Improvements. The parcels of land associated with this property include a Right of Way parcel (ROW-2) and Temporary Construction Easement (TCE-2) for Montessori School.
Alternatives: Approval of these ROW's and easements from the property owner will...
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