To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Bryan Weimer, Director of Public Works and Development
Prepared By:
Molly Orkild-Larson, Principal Planner, Public Works and Development
Presenter: Molly Orkild-Larson, Principal Planner, Public Works and Development
SDPZ21-006, Trailside Townhomes Specific Development Plan - Zoning
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The applicant seeks approval to rezone four parcels from RR-A to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to build a three-story townhome development.
Background and Discussion: Two of the four existing parcels contain single-family residences with garages. These properties were originally zoned A-2, Agricultural-2 in 1961, with single-family residential with agricultural activities as their primary uses. In 2018, this zone district's name changed to RR-A, Rural Residential A as part of the code's update. Under the existing code, this zone district's primary use is single-family detached residential along with limited non-commercial agricultural uses (including small agricultural animals or fowl for the private use of the residents only), with a minimum lot size of nine acres. In 2005, the Four-Square Mile Sub-Area Plan was created and identified the land use category for these properties as Multi-Family, shifting the use of these properties in the Comprehensive Plan from rural residential housing to higher-density residential. This application is being processed through the two-step Planned Unit Development review process since it meets the eligibility criteria regarding project location, property size, land use, density, and height.
No public comment was received on this application. Two neighborhood meetings occurred for this project on September 13, 2021 (surrounding neighbors) and October 7, 2021 (Four-Square Mile Neighborhood Group). The comments they received from these meetings included crime in the area, lighting, fencing...
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