To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Ron Carl, County Attorney
Prepared By:
Tiffanie Bleau, Senior Assistant County Attorney
Presenter: Tiffanie Bleau, Senior Assistant County Attorney
A Resolution regarding the signature authority of elected officials, department directors, and employees
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this report is to discuss the proposed signature authority resolution scheduled for the March 11, 2025 consent agenda.
Background and Discussion: The BOCC has for a number of years adopted a resolution delegating authority to sign contracts and other documents, and to take certain actions, to department directors, and other officials and employees. Every year the resolution continues until the adoption of the new signature authority resolution. Consequently, a new signature authority resolution is proposed for adoption at the March 11th public meeting.
Fiscal Impact: The signature authority resolution undoubtedly saves the County time and expense, in an amount that is unknown, by not requiring that all documents be approved through the consent agenda and signed by the Chair of the BOCC.
Alternatives: The alternative would be for the BOCC to approve and execute all contracts after public hearing.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☒Be fiscally sustainable
☒Provide essential and mandated service
☐Be community focused
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approving as presented.
Concurrence: County Department Directors and Officials
Resolution: See attached resolution.