To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Tyler S. Brown, Sheriff
Prepared By:
Nathan Fogg, Director, Office of Emergency Management
Presenter: Nathan Fogg, Director, Office of Emergency Management
1:00 PM *Cooperative Agreement for Wildfire Protection
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
This is a request that the Board of County Commissioners to authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners and the Arapahoe County Sheriff to sign the updated Cooperative Agreement for Wildfire Protection (Agreement). This Agreement outlines process and procedures on how the State and County work together to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and bill for wildland fire in Arapahoe County.
Background and Discussion: The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) plays an active role in the development and implementation of the Fire Operating Plan. This is an updated Agreement; the previous version was signed in 2019. This current agreement will support the Operating Plan as previously approved in 2023. The purpose of this Agreement is to improve efficiency by facilitating the coordination and exchange of personnel, equipment, supplies, services, and funds among the Parties in sustaining and implementing Wildland Fire management activities, such as prevention, preparedness, communication and education, hazard mitigation, fire planning, response strategies, tactics and alternatives, suppression and consideration of post-fire rehabilitation and restoration
Fiscal Impact: An executed agreement allows access to State resources and funding in support of fire suppression, investigation, and recovery. There is no cost to county outside of normal suppression activities.
Alternatives: The alternative is not signing, which would render Arapahoe County ineligible for State assistance on wildland fires. The State requires all political subdivisions to enter into an IGA regarding wildland fires in order to use ...
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