To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Gini Pingenot, Director, Open Spaces
Prepared By:
Gini Pingenot, Director, Open Spaces; Glen Poole, Operations Manager, Open Spaces
Presenter: Gini Pingenot, Open Spaces Director; Glen Poole, Operations Manager, Open Spaces
1:30 PM *Review of Updated Open Spaces Rules and Regulations
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
Staff will present an initial draft of the Open Spaces Rules and Regulations and seek the Board of County Commissioners feedback on the Department's proposed revisions.
Background and Discussion: On May 21, 2024, staff from the Open Spaces Department presented shortcomings with the county's current Open Spaces Rules and Regulations. The question at that time was whether or not the Department should focus on drafting revisions to those rules and regulations. This study session provides an initial look at the updates the department is proposing.
By way of background, in 1996 the Board of County Commissioners passed Resolution No. 1012-96 which adopted 15 rules and regulations concerning the unlawful conduct on Arapahoe County owned or operated public recreational lands or facilities. These rules and regulations are posted at County owned parks that are open to the public. According to the resolution when these rules and regulations were adopted, only two park properties were owned by the County (Cheyenne/Arapaho Park and Arapahoe County Community Park). All these parks are within the Arapahoe County Recreation District.
Since the adoption of these rules and regulations almost 30 years ago, the County has greatly expanded services to include things like dog parks, playgrounds, equestrian uses, and bike parks and has acquired multiple other properties. The County now has twenty-eight open spaces, parks, trailheads, greenways, or leased properties as well as a couple of easements or managed/operated lands, many of which are ope...
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