To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Ron Carl, County Attorney; Writer Mott, Deputy County Attorney
Prepared By:
Writer Mott, Deputy County Attorney
Approval of Litigation Settlement Agreement
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this request is to obtain authorization for the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign a settlement agreement that has been negotiated in the pending litigation of Stephanie Freeman v. Arlen Kennedy Ward, et al.; Civil No. 22-cv-128, a review of which was previously provided to the Board in executive session.
Background and Discussion: The Freeman litigation matter was filed on June 17, 2022. An agreement between all parties resolving the need for further litigation has been reached.
Allow the case to proceed to trial or continue to negotiate a different resolution.
Fiscal Impact: This has been previously discussed with the Board. This settlement agreement will reduce future costs and future potential claims against the County and is offset by other department savings.
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☒Be fiscally sustainable
☐Provide essential and mandated service
☐Be community focused
Concurrence: The County Attorney has endorsed the proposed agreement.
Resolution: Attached is a copy of the draft resolution.