To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Katherine Smith, Director, Community Resources
Prepared By:
Brad Kamby, Division Manager, Judicial Services
Resolution Removing the Douglas County Sheriff from the Arapahoe County Community Corrections Board.
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this resolution is to formally remove the Douglas County Sheriff from the Arapahoe County Community Corrections Board (ACCCB) in accordance with its bylaws as adopted and amended.
Background and Discussion: As a result of Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counites leaving the 18th Judicial District, the Arapahoe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved a resolution on November 12, 2024, amending the bylaws of the ACCCB, eliminating the position designated to the Douglas County Sheriff. The amended bylaws went into effect January 7, 2025.
Alternatives: The BOCC has the authority to change the membership of the ACCCB at its discretion.
Fiscal Impact: None
Alignment with Strategic Plan:
☐Be fiscally sustainable
☐Provide essential and mandated service
☒Be community focused
Concurrence: N/A
Resolution: Attached a copy of the draft resolution.