To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Bryan Weimer, Director, Public Works and Development
Prepared By:
Emily Gonzalez, Engineer II, Engineering Services Division
Waste Management: Warranty Deed for Roadway and Easements
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The Board of County Commissioners is requested to adopt a resolution to approve and accept the conveyance of a Floodplain Easement Agreement, a Uniform Deed of Easement and Revocable Storm Drainage License Agreement, a Special Warranty Deed for roadway improvements on the north side of Quincy, and a Special Warranty Deed for roadway improvements on the south side of Quincy needed by reasons of the impacts of Waste Management's development of its property. The Board is also requested to authorize the Director of Public Works and Development to execute the Drainage and Floodplain Easement Agreements and such other instruments as necessary to complete all of these conveyances on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners.
Background and Discussion: An Administrative Site Plan is currently in process for a new Waste Management recycling facility on the north side of the intersection at East Quincy Avenue and South Harvest Road.
In conjunction with the project, the developer is required to construct a left turn deceleration lane and right turn acceleration lane into the site off East Quincy Avenue, as part of their frontage improvements. In order to meet requirements for turn lane storage & taper length, and the future 4-lane section of East Quincy Avenue, right-of-way is required from the Waste Management parcel. Additionally, a new traffic signal will also be installed at Quincy and Harvest for which additional right of way on the south side of Quincy is required. The developer has prepared two special warranty deed, one conveyed by Waste Management to the County and the other conveyed by the Lowry Trust to the County in order to deed the land to th...
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