To: Board of County Commissioners
Through: Tyler Brown, Sheriff
Prepared By:
Jared Rowlison, Bureau Chief, Sheriff's Office
Presenter: Jared Rowlison, Bureau Chief, Sheriff's Office
1:00 PM *2024 Restoring Individuals Safely and Effectively Contract Addendum #10
Purpose and Request:
recommended action
The purpose of this Board Summary Report is to request approval from the Board of County Commissioners for the Sheriff to sign a contract amendment to increase the program population and staffing of the Restoring Individuals Safely and Effectively (RISE) program.
Background and Discussion: The Sheriff's Office has been hosting the RISE program since late 2013, when the County first entered into an agreement with Wellpath Recovery Services, then known as GeoCare. The first iteration of the program allowed for a maximum of 22 beds for the program and the per bed, per day cost was set at $88.86. The program was staffed by seven deputy sheriffs providing dedicated supervision during programming, with night and weekend supervision covered by general jail staff. In 2015, the daily rate was increased to $91.08 and the program was expanded to a total of 52 beds and additional deputies. Since then, the program has expanded and contracted as the needs of the State of Colorado have changed.
Currently the Sheriff's Office provides 60 beds for the program as well as a half time lieutenant, two sergeants, and 18 deputies with a daily rate of $137.50 per bed.
The new amendment will contract for 78 beds plus the option for more if the Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health needs additional beds. The amendment also adds in 4 additional deputy sheriff FTE that will be covered by the daily rate. The daily rate will remain unchanged at $137.50 per bed.
Fiscal Impact: The contracted daily rate is intended to cover the cost for the Sheriff's Office to house the RISE program and provide adequate staffing...
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